Part 10: Mission 9: Houston

Mission 9: Houston

Assault Rifle

Commando - Long Range Type
SG552 with much improved firing
range. In addition to improved
range and attack power, the sights
have also been widened.

Carl Gustaf
Developed in 1946 by the Swedish,
this 84mm recoilless launcher is
designed for use by infantry against
heavy weapon platforms. High
muzzle velocity and attack power.

Carl Gustaf - Explode Type
M2 launcher that fires 3 diffuse
shots. A close range weapon, as
each individual shot is low in attack
power and range.
Multi Missiles

ASURA16 - QLS Loading
MML16 modified with a special
quick lock on system. Shortened
targeting but with the power of 16

Air Vehicles

An overly large air carrier that couldn't even bother to spell "Olajuwon" the correct way. Compared to other air vehicles in the game, its armaments and launch bays can be individually destroyed by Metal Wolf's attacks.

Cyborg C17S
These cyborgs have sniper rifles, a weapon the regular infantry don't have access to. The damage isn't a concern so much as the stagger that comes from getting hit by each shot, as it can knock Metal Wolf out of any action it's currently in. More annoying than deadly, at least at this point in the game.